The range of services on offer from Eneria has been extended to include complete photovoltaic solutions, developed to make the most of our high-performance photovoltaic panels.
Recognised as one of the leaders in electricity production, Eneria now offers photovoltaic panels that can be installed for turnkey photovoltaic buildings, photovoltaic canopies, photovoltaic roofs (on office buildings or agricultural barns, etc.), photovoltaic greenhouses and ground-mounted power plants.
We can adapt to all the pricing systems:
Constantly rising electricity prices and the development of environmentally-friendly energy solutions have made investments in photovoltaic installations more and more popular, enabling the cost of electricity to be fixed for up to 30 years.
Our solar activity has been ISO 14001-certified since 2 November 2021. This certification recognises our commitment to environmental protection and confirms the effectiveness of the measures we have taken to reduce the environmental impacts of our activities.